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Living abroad presents its own set of challenges, yet it's within these very challenges that the opportunity for transformation lies. With determination and a positive outlook, you hold the power to craft the life you've always envisioned. Remember, every remarkable journey starts with a single, decisive step—MOVEMENT. Embrace the change, step out of your comfort zone, and embark on this journey with an open heart and mind. Let's navigate this adventure together, transforming challenges into stepping stones towards a healthier, happier life.

I am Magdalena

Fitness Trainer, Founder of bFlex, expat

Hi friend!

My name is Magdalena. I come from Poland and in 2019 I moved to Denmark with my family. My excitement about the change of residence was quickly overshadowed by the greyness (in Denmark, that's literally) of everyday life. Difficulties with the language and the different culture soon made me realise that things were not going to be so colourful. Building new relationships was not the easiest task either. All these things led to depression, sadness and bad habits creeping into my life. This could have been the image of the rest of my life. I couldn't let that happen. Not on my watch. I am in charge of my life and I am the one who decides how it goes. A few months of cold and grey won't wash away the colours that life offers. This is how bFlex was born. And what is it? Read below :)

Difficult starts lead to good things.

bFlex was created to support individuals struggling to adjust to life in a new country. We recognize the significance of feeling at home in a new place, as well as the challenges and stress that come with it. Studies show that moving to a new country can have a lasting negative impact on our mental and physical well-being. However, does this mean we should stop people from moving? Absolutely not. Instead, we need to find solutions that promote well-being and allow individuals to thrive, regardless of their location.

Being part of bFlex goes beyond just physical fitness; it's also about improving mental health. This not only benefits you but also positively affects those around you. Strengthening your physical health can boost your confidence and improve your ability to navigate daily life. Additionally, joining our community connects you with others who are facing similar challenges. This provides an opportunity to share experiences, form new relationships, and offer support during difficult times. So, don't hesitate. Join us, and let's work together to create a better, healthier life abroad.

Friends Taking Selfie

bFlex means you must adapt.

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